About the One Page Business Plan

The One Page Business PlanThe One Page Business Plan will change the way you run your business and will help you to achieve sustainable profitability in a rapidly changing business environment

Powerful enough to be effective Simple enough to be owned and used

The primary objective of these books are to provide Small to Medium Enterprise companies – SMEs – with an “end-to-end” Strategic Business Planning process.

The author, Brian Birley, has developed and implemented a unique, high level, simple and effective process. This process, based on the author’s more than thirty years of senior management experience, enables Small to Medium Enterprises to manage, own and delegate the key strategic direction and major leadership objectives for the company.

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 What people say about One Page Business Plan

It was one of the “aha” moments of my business life, not during, or even soon after our 2 day workshop with you way back in the early naughties, but some years later when I took control and worked on it and started to appreciate how it works.

Alan Hay
Director, Haycom

Four years ago we started, with your help, the implementation of the One Page Business Plan (1PBP®) within our organisation in Australia, in order to generate a central document that serves as orientation for the entire company. Since my transfer to Europe, we have started to implement the same concept in several subsidiaries, as well as in a number of key departments of our organisation. I can honestly say that the concept has become a key part of the strategic direction of our company, and helps us in our day‐to‐day effort to prioritise the various tasks and opportunities that we face. Your support in the international arena has been decisive in the success of the program!

Holger Schulz
Vice President of Sales, Festool GmbH Wendlingen, Germany

I was introduced to the concept of the One Page Business Plan (1PBP®) by Brian Birley in August 2001. Coloplast has a very strong and well‐established planning process; it has been a major strength for the company. However, as the company grew over time, the requirements of the written Annual Business Plan (ABP) had become too extensive. I found the 1PBP® format to be very appealing because it shows, at a glance, the strategic direction of the entire company; it links the strategic objectives of the company (down to each employee’s job) through the Job Outcome Definition (JODTM), so that every employee knows that they are part of the company and how they can contribute to the growth of the company; and, the quarterly set up and measurement of the KPIs ensure that we stay on track to meet our objectives, whilst being flexible enough to change with and adapt to the market dynamics when necessary. Coloplast has utilised the 1PBP® format since February 2004, and it has been a great tool for producing an ABP that is sharper and more focused, as well as for following progress according to the plan throughout the year. Thank you, Brian, for allowing my employees to realise how their job is directly linked to the strategic objectives of the company.

Maureen McKenzie
General Manager Coloplast Australia Pty Ltd

Following my appointment to the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian State Emergency Services, it was incumbent upon me to manage the necessary changes required to meet increased service demand, to meet community expectations, to enhance the overall performance of the organisation, as well as to raise the profile and image within the Government. My aim, as the CEO and “leader” of the organisation, was to challenge the existing leadership paradigm within VicSES, particularly in the way things were done, and to invigorate the passion, energy and spirit of all the people through a “shared” vision. I engaged Brian Birley (Managing Director, P.A.C.E. Corporation Pty Ltd) to help me do this. Brian’s reputation as a specialist in Strategic Business Planning and implementation had preceded him. Through Brian’s team‐building exercises, we were able to identify what we stand for, what we are responsible for, and how we relate to our Stakeholders and to each other. This culminated in a wonderful “Values Statement” which we have all agreed to uphold organisationally. A subsequent Strategic Planning Day for the SES Board of Management saw the confirmation of the Values and Vision, and a completed Strategic Plan was being implemented via our senior management, and is being filtered down throughout the whole organisation. Brian’s engaging personality, smooth delivery style and astute business savvy contributed to bringing our team together. We now understand the importance of agreeing on the same clear message in order for us all to perform towards a common goal in an uncomplicated manner.

Mary Barry
Chief Executive Officer Victorian State Emergency Services (VicSES)

UMS adopted the One Page Business Plan (1PBP®) process six years ago, and we continue to use it as our primary business planning tool. Six years ago, we had one plan for the company. Although this is still the case today, with growth and introduction of a business unit and shared services structure, we now run with five One Page Business Plans. Our four business unit heads and their respective teams are responsible for creating and delivering their own One Page Business Plan, which roll up and are aligned to the overall company One Page Business Plan. The 1PBP® is a simple, practical, measurable and particularly engaging process for staff, which has proven a winner for UMS. Brian’s experience and charisma is an added benefit, which all staff should thoroughly enjoy.

Sam Furphy
Chief Executive Officer Urban Maintenance Systems Pty Ltd (UMS)

We have utilised the One Page Business Plan (1PBP®) and Balanced Scorecard for over six years, and have found it to be an excellent planning tool which has had a pivotal role in the improvement of profitability and the continued growth of our company. The process is very concise and outcome‐focused, which makes it simple to use. Brian has the excellent ability to ensure that the most important aspects of a company are incorporated in the Plan, and promotes thinking at a higher level.”

Graham Hayden
Chief Financial Officer Urban Maintenance Systems Pty Ltd (UMS)

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About Brian Birley

FAICD, FAIM, MIMC‐CMC, Member NSAA Chair for The Executive Connection

Brian Birley is a highly respected business management, strategic change management and executive mentoring professional, with more than 30 years’ experience from large international corporations through to family owned operations.

Working across Africa, Asia and finally Australia, in industries including packaging, Information Technology and automotive, Brian held senior management roles that led to the successful growth and development of major multinational firms.

Read more about Brian Birley


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